Commercial Cake Manufacturing and SaniClean Strainers

It’s no secret, creating cake on an industrial level is no piece of cake. Indeed, no matter how easy it may seem, creating cakes on a massive scale is a very involved process that requires industrial baking equipment to make it happen. For this reason, those who choose to own companies in this industry must always keep a wide variety of functional equipment. With that in mind, here is a closer look at the cake manufacturing process and how stainless steel mesh food processing filters are essential pieces of cake manufacturing equipment.

Cake Manufacturing Equipment

Commercial Cake Ingredients

Before we delve into the actual cake making process and what it entails, let’s first take a look at the most commonly used ingredients for commercial cakes. They are:

  • White or wheat flour
  • Eggs
  • Sugar
  • Milk powder
  • Water
  • Various flavorings
  • Preservatives (such as sulfur dioxide)
  • Raising agents (such as sodium carbonate)

The Commercial Cake Creation Process

Now that we know what ingredients need to be used, let’s take a look at how the process works:

Mixing Things Up

The first step in terms of creating a commercial cake is to mix all of the ingredients. This is most commonly done using a commercial mixer. During this part of the process, food processing filters are used to filter out impurities and to ensure that the mixture is uniform and free of lumps, clumps, and other unsavory things. Also, keep in mind that the quality of the industrial filters being used can have an impact on the quality of the cake you create. Moreover, once all of the ingredients have been combined, the mixture is beat for an additional 10 minutes to trap in the air and ensure that the cake can rise properly. The trapped air acts as an agent to the added raising agents, which ensures that the cake will grow during the process. Once this filtration and mixing process is completed, it is then emptied into a mold for baking.

Fill the Mold

The baking molds are sprayed with a thin layer of oil to prevent the cake from sticking to the pan. The batter is then emptied into the mold in such a way that ensures it has enough room to rise without overflowing.

Baking the Cake

Next, the filled molds are put onto a conveyor belt, which gently inserts them into an automatic oven. These ovens are closely monitored and regulated to ensure the cakes are cooked thoroughly and evenly. The crust is often sprayed during this time to make sure it does not crack as it rises. Once it has fully risen, the crust is allowed to dry.

The Cool Down

Lastly, the cake is allowed to cool before packaging. This is because a warm cake is still likely to crack and crumble, which can totally ruin the cake.

Key Takeaways:

  • Commercial cake baking is an involved process that requires the use of a variety of equipment.
  • Food processing filters are used during the cake manufacturing process to ensure that the mixture is uniform, free of lumps and clumps, and other potential objects and debris.
  • Purchasing a high-quality filter is imperative to creating a premium-quality cake.

Cake Processing Strainers and Filters

Overall, if you are seeking high-quality cake processing filters, your friends here at SaniClean Strainers have you covered. If you are making commercial cakes, you need to purchase premium materials and ingredients to ensure that you have the best end result. Simply contact us today to discuss your unique needs and to get a quote in terms of pricing. There is never a need to purchase low-quality replacement strainer filters, SaniClean Strainers offers a wide variety of stainless-steel filters that are not only durable, but they’re also cost-effective.

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